

寻找卓越的餐厅, 有创造力的啤酒厂, a thriving local 艺术 scene in Northern 圣地亚哥 County

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It doesn’t take an etymologist to figure out how 海滨 got its name: The city is tucked up against the shore, 40 miles north of downtown 圣地亚哥. 但不要被它的简单所迷惑, 多沙砾的氛围, because there’s plenty of hustle in this up-和-co最小值g city. 在过去的几年里, 受启发的食物创造者, 啤酒, 艺术, music have made 海滨 a more exciting destination than ever before.


有沙滩和连绵不断的海浪, 海滨 has long been a favorite spot for surfers, 游泳者, 还有站立式桨板. 租你选择的装备在 庇护板店 在打浪之前 码头北景 or 港海滩. Even l和-lovers can enjoy the views on 海滨 Pier: Watch for dolphins outside 盐水的盒子, or try your h和 at fishing with the help of the 码头及鱼饵店. 对于寻求刺激的人来说,有 GoJump海边, Southern California’s only coastal skydiving operator, a vertical wind tunnel at 室内跳伞, where you can skydive or base jump in virtual reality locations such as Hawaii 和 Dubai.

Head slightly inl和 to visit the institutions that helped 海滨 earn the distinction of a designated 加州文化区 in 2017. 参观 加州欢迎中心 is a great place to get a comprehensive rundown 和 locals’ recommendations of all there is to do. But here’s a short list: See the exceptional collection at the 海滨艺术博物馆, fascinating historical surfboards (including a few from the late 19th century) at the 加州冲浪博物馆,或在剧院观看现场表演 海滨剧院公司在布鲁克斯 or 明星剧院. Take home a piece of 艺术 for yourself at the outdoor 日落市场 每周四晚上在主街举行.


A strong agricultural tradition combined with bright young 最小值ds has catapulted O’side to the forefront of the Southern California food scene. Downtown shines with expertly crafted seafood at 333年太平洋 和 哈尼寿司. For something off the beaten path, head to funky South 海滨 for inventive sushi at 扳手 & 啮齿动物Seabasstropub 或者创新的素食菜肴 情节.

Of course, you’ll need something to wash down all those oysters 和 fries. Grab a flight at one of the popular local craft breweries, such as 防波堤酿酒公司.北松酿酒公司 (where the menu includes Dawn of Jan pilsner 和 Tmavé Pivo, which are faithful to Czech brewing traditions), or Bagby啤酒公司, where a variety of European brewing styles provide the inspiration behind its beer menu. Coomber工艺葡萄酒 和 海滩屋酒庄 will please any oenophile, 和re’s even a spot to try home-brewed honey wine at 黄金海岸蜂蜜酒, which leverages the efforts of local honeybees. 


True to its name, O’side has plenty of places to stay right on the ocean, from boutique hotels like 砖块, 绿色房间酒店, Fin酒店 去放松的度假胜地,如 的海鸟温德姆海滨码头俱乐部 to 可靠的链.


欧申赛德南边的邻居是 卡尔斯巴德,家乡 加利福尼亚的乐, 花海, 海滩露营. 再开几英里就到了 , known the world over for excellent waves at surfing spots like 卡迪夫礁月光州立海滩. Take State Highway 78 inl和 for a little more than 20 miles 和 you’ll l和 in 埃斯孔迪多,家的蔓生 圣地亚哥野生动物园 除了出色的精酿啤酒场景(石头酝酿适合家庭的世界小酒馆(World Bistro) & Gardens is an absolute must for beers aficionados).


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